Thursday, April 16, 2009

Create your own puzzles

1. Select "Level Editor" from Main Menu

2. Create/Edit the custom puzzle:
2.1 Select beam color/type from "Beam toolbar" to the left. The upper 4 buttons with thin beams are moving beams, and the lower 4 buttons with thicker (blurred) beams are frozen (non-moving) beams.
2.2 Draw the beams in the game area by first clicking on upper start point and then on the end point.
2.3 To remove a beam, use X tool from the "Beam toolbar" to the left and then click on the start or endpoint of the beam
2.4 Optionally give the puzzle a name in the "Level name" field

3 Test the puzzle by clicking "Test" in the upper "Puzzle Toolbar". Click Menu and then "Level Editor" to return to editor.
4. Optionally record the solution by Clicking "Rec". Solve the puzzle. Finally click "Rep" to replay the solution

5. Save the puzzle by clicking "Save". A text string containing the puzzle is generated and copied to the clipboard.

6. Distribute/Store the puzzle by pasting from clipboard to a document/email/blog/forum. Paste it into a comment to this article!

7. A custom puzzle can be loaded by any user by clicking "Custom" in the "Puzzle game" menu. Then paste the level text string in the field.The puzzle can also be loaded in Level Editor by clicking "Load".

Monday, March 30, 2009

ZedRay is released

Many thanks for all positive comments in the beta phase, we have done most of the adjustments you requested.

Your mission is to destroy the neon light beams before they hit the ground.

ZedRay contains two modes: arcade and puzzle. In puzzle mode all beams must be destroyed while in arcade mode you need to score as high as you can. A beam is stopped if it collides with another beam unless both beams have the same color then they are destroyed.

Bend a beam by clicking on the end. If a beam is approaching another beam, you can speed it up by clicking on it's upper or middle part.

If you are stuck in a puzzle, click a button that reveals the solution. The solution button is activated only if you have managed to solve at least half of the puzzles on the current level.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

ZedRay beta

Jag tar tacksamt emot dina kommentarer längst ner på sidan!

ZedRay har två spellägen. Det första, "Puzzle game", går ut på att förstöra alla Laser-strålar innan de når marken. En stråle stannar om den krockar med en annan stråle - men om båda strålarna har samma färg förstörs de. Böj strålarna genom att klicka på änden. Om en stråle är på väg mot en annan stråle, kan du öka farten på den genom att klicka i strålens mitt eller överdel. Om du kör fast finns en knapp som visar lösningen, den aktiveras dock först efter att du klarat minst hälften av pusslen på aktuell nivå.

I "Arcade game" kommer det ständigt nya strålar från ovan i allt snabbare takt. Du måste förhindra att strålarna når marken. Precis som i "Puzzle mode" förstörs likfärgade strålar som krockar, du får 50 poäng för varje förstörd stråle.